
Vineet Tiruvadi selected for oral presentation at Society for Biological Psychiatry

Vineet Tiruvadi is an MD/PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, advised by Helen Mayberg (Emory University) and co-advised by Robert Butera.  His abstract was selected for oral presentation at the Society for Biological Psychiatry annual meeting held in Atlanta May 13-16, 2016.  Abstract info is below.

Neuronal Synchronization with Acute Deep Brain Stimulation of Subcallosal Cingulate White Matter in Treatment Resistant Depression.
Location: Grand Hall C – LL2, Atrium Tower
Pres. Time: Friday, May 13, 2016, 12:30 PM -12:45 PM
Keywords: Stimulation; Depression; Electrophysiology; Oscillations
Author(s): Vineet Tiruvadi, Patricio Riva-Posse, Andrea Crowell, Ashan Veerakumar, Allison Waters, Robert Butera, Robert Gross, Helen Mayberg

Yogi Patel wins BME Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award!

At the 2016 award ceremony, Yogi Patel won the Outstanding Enterpreneurship award for his efforts at pursuing intellectual property and commercialization of his research.

Over the past few years, Yogi won the 2014 Young Investigator Award at the IEEE BRAIN Grand Challenges Conference, the same year he joined the TI:GER (Technical Innovation: Generating Economic Results) Program.  Yogi’s TI:GER team, Bioletics, went on to win the 2015 Georgia Tech Venture Lab Startup Competition, as well as the Edison Prize. He’s also filed three patents, with several more on the way!

You can read more here:


Brian Kim receives PURA award!

Congratulations to Brian Kim, a junior BME undergraduate, for receiving a President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) from Georgia Tech for the Summer 2016 term.  Brian is characterizing the differences between voltage-mode and current-mode stimulation of the vagus nerve.  This work has immediate impact on the design of medical devices such as vagal nerve stimulators.